2015-2016 College Catalog 
    Jan 23, 2025  
2015-2016 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration & Records


Visit www.threerivers.edu and click on “Register for classes” 

Registration Procedures

All students must be admitted to the College in order to register for classes during designated registration periods before each semester. Students should go to www.threerivers.edu to see the schedule of classes and click on Register for Classes on the home page to see specific registration procedures and policies. 

New Students: If this is the first time attending college, students will register for courses in a Freshman Advising Session after your course placement by multiple assessment. See Admissions  section for more details. 

Transfer and Re-admitted Students: Transfer and readmitted students will meet with an admissions advisor before registration. Students should bring test scores, unofficial transcripts and/or grade reports of previous work to this meeting so they can register at that time. Official copies of previous transcripts should also be sent directly to the Registrar’s office as soon as possible. This will allow the student to register online as prerequisite courses will be recorded at TRCC. 

Continuing Students: Students enrolled in a degree program who have attended TRCC within the last two years can register during the early registration period; online or in-person. In a student’s first semester at TRCC they are required to see their assigned advisor before registering for their second semester. All students should seek advisement whenever needed. The electronic Degree Evaluation tool at http://my.commnet.edu can also be used to assist students with course selection and graduation requirements. Times and locations for registration appear on the web with specific procedures. 

Degree Candidate (matriculated student) - A student who is in a plan of study at Three Rivers which, upon successful completion, will result in the award of either an associate degree or a certificate of completion. Degree Candidates are eligible to apply for financial aid and qualify for early registration. 

Non-Degree (non-matriculated student) - A student who is enrolled on a course-by-course basis and is not in a degree or certificate program at Three Rivers.

Students in either of the above classifications may register full-time (minimum of 12 credits per semester) or part-time (maximum of 11 credits per semester).

All degree candidates and full time non-degree students must meet College Immunization Requirements. See Admissions  section for specific immunization requirements.

Auditing Courses

A student who wishes to take a credit course without earning credit can register as an auditor by the fourth week in the semester. Auditors are charged regular tuition and fees but do not receive a final letter grade. Auditors attend class regularly but graded activities such as exams are limited. Audited courses are shown on a student’s transcript with a grade of “AU”. Students who elect to Audit cannot reverse this choice at a later point. Students are not eligible to receive financial aid, Veteran Benefits, or Tuition Assistance for audited courses. Please check the Academic Calendar Fall 2014- Summer 2015  for the specific Audit deadline. 

Schedule Changes - Dropping and Adding Courses

Specific dates for semester and module courses are in the Academic Calendar Fall 2014- Summer 2015 .

Adding Courses

Students may add courses online or in person through the first week of the semester provided there is an opening in the desired class and the student meets course prerequisites, if any.

Dropping Courses

Students may drop courses online or in person through the first week of the semester. Courses dropped in the add/drop period will not appear on the student’s transcript.  Students may only drop courses in person during the second week of the semester.

Withdrawing from Courses

Specific dates for semester and module courses are in the Academic Calendar Fall 2014- Summer 2015 

After the last drop date as specified in the academic calendar, students may withdraw from courses online or by completing the appropriate form which is available online or in any Student Services Office. If necessary you can withdraw by phone by calling the Registrar’s Office. Withdrawals are accepted up until the week before classes end - check the specific date in the academic calendar. A grade of “W” will be entered for each course from which a student withdraws. The course(s) and grade of “W” will appear on the student’s transcript. 

Note: Failure to attend class is not an acceptable method of either dropping or withdrawing. This will result in an N grade if the instructor has no basis for a grade or a failing grade of “F” on the student’s permanent transcript. This can seriously affect future reinstatement, transfer to another college and financial aid. Non-attendance either before or after the start of classes does not cancel the financial obligation to pay fees and tuition incurred at the time of registration for classes. Students will remain liable for any outstanding payments of tuition and fees due the College. 

Registration between Connecticut Community Colleges 

The Connecticut Community Colleges and the State Universities have adopted a coordinated policy that may broaden the student’s education at a reduced total cost to the student.

  • Full-time students (those paying maximum General Fund tuition) in one Connecticut Community College, Connecticut State University or the University of Connecticut may enroll for courses at another College tuition free; if the home college does not offer the course, and if space is available at the host college which is offering the course. At Three Rivers cross registration begins two weeks before the semester begins.
  • A student wishing to enroll in a host college course must complete a Three Rivers Application for Admission and present a receipt at registration to show that the maximum full-time tuition was paid at the home college. The policy does not apply to self-supporting courses in the summer session and winter intersessions. Summer Session and Winter.

Intersession Registration 

The College offers day and evening self-supporting courses during the summer and winter intersession at a single tuition rate (Educational Extension Credit Program tuition rate). The College welcomes experienced students from other colleges and universities who wish to make up courses or earn advanced standing at their home institution. Credits earned at Three Rivers are generally acceptable to other colleges, but students are advised to consult their home institution for information regarding transfer of credits. Students should follow the required admission and registration procedures. Generally, students enrolling in the summer session or winter intersession are admitted with non- degree status. Three Rivers students may attend the summer session to lighten their study load during the regular academic year or to reduce the time needed to earn their degrees. Students are encouraged to check the appropriateness of their course selection with their advisors. Summer session schedules and registration information are available in early spring online at www.threerivers.edu.