Table of Contents
Academic policies and standards for Three Rivers Community College included below have been ratified and are subject to change.
All registered students admitted are assigned to an academic advisor. Advisors are members of the professional staff, usually full-time faculty members, whose backgrounds make them especially suitable to help students make academic and vocational choices. During the school year, the advisor helps the student select appropriate courses, based on the student’s preference, previous records, and standardized test scores. The advisor also discusses with the student the course of action to be taken when the student is ready to leave Three Rivers Community College.
The advising system insures each student receives individual help with educational and vocational problems, provides each student with advice from a professional with expertise in a particular subject and enables the professional staff to interact with individual students in matters not directly related to classroom performance. Advising holds are placed on all students in their first semester at TRCC. After meeting with assigned advisor the hold will be removed allowing the student to register online or in-person.
Students should access their advisor assignments via Banner Self-Service.
Plan of Study
A Plan of Study is a worksheet that outlines the course requirements for a specific Three Rivers degree or certificate program. Students enrolled in a degree or certificate program must obtain a Plan of Study during their first semester to use as a planning guide for future course selection and registration.
During the first semester of enrollment, a student meets with his or her academic advisor and reviews the program requirements. The Plan of Study serves as the academic planning guide. Advising appointments are typically scheduled each semester just before early registration for continuing degree or certificate students, but can also be scheduled at other times during each semester.
The original Plan of Study is kept by the student to record course completions and selections for registration each semester. Students who have not completed a Plan of Study and students who wish to amend or change their program should make an appointment with their advisor and complete and submit a Program/Advisor Change form.
Both students and advisors may request reassignment when a favorable relationship is not achieved by submitting a Program/Advisor Change form.
Students who find they must change their plan of study should see their academic advisor or a counselor before beginning the next semester. In making such a change, credit for already completed courses may not be required in the new curriculum. Students are cautioned to check the requirements for the new curriculum, or graduation may be delayed because of the change. There are some programs that limit enrollments; students should ensure they are not changing into one of these without advising. Students who change their plan of study must complete and submit a Program Change Request form.
The College utilizes the Carnegie Unit as the basis for the credit hour with 50 minutes of instruction with transitional and break time for a total of one hour with a minimum of two hours of student work or activities outside the classroom each week for a typical 15 week semester. Non-classroom work including lab, clinical, and practica are included in this definition. Module (accelerated) courses meet this requirement in less than 15 weeks. Distance education courses have an equivalent combination of interaction, assignments, and activities within the learning management system and external to it which is verified by the course design in the First-Run and Biennial Review processes.
Attaining Academic Credit
Unit of Credit
The credit hour is the unit of academic credit earned at Three Rivers. A course yielding three hours of credit typically requires 45 hours of classroom time.
Residence Requirement
Twenty-five percent (25%) of the total credits applicable to an associate degree or certificate must be taken at Three Rivers and not have been used in a previous certificate or degree awarded by TRCC. Transfer credit from other colleges and non-traditional credit does not apply to the residency requirement. Non-traditional credit includes CLEP, DSST, Challenge Exams, Military Service Schools and Assessment of Prior Learning. No more than 30 credits in any program can be non-traditional.
Course Load
Students are usually not permitted to register for more than 18 hours of credit per semester in liberal arts and career programs. Students in technical programs may register for up to 21 credits. Some students are advised to limit their course load to 9 credits or less for academic reasons. Students wishing to exceed the credit load limits may take one additional course with the approval of the Academic Dean.
Variable Credit
A student receives, as a total of credits in a variable credit course, no more than the maximum number of credits for which the course is offered. Generally, variable credit is awarded only for independent study, work experience or field work, with the approval of the Academic Dean.
Developmental Studies
The College offers developmental courses in reading, writing, and math. These courses are designed to help students whose academic skills need improvement before they take required courses in their programs of study. All developmental classes provide support and concentrate on the specific skills students need for academic success. Areas of emphasis for each course are covered under course descriptions .
First Year Experience
This three-credit course is designed to help new college students meet the expectations of college life.
For additional information regarding the First Year Experience, refer to the
Independent Study
In specific areas sanctioned by the College, the College offers a program of independent study. Topics vary with the student and the subject. The student works with the approval and under the direct supervision of a faculty member specifically qualified in the area of the student’s interest. Independent study courses are by written contract between the student and the instructor. Independent study contract forms are available only from the Office of the Academic Dean. Completed independent study forms must be submitted to the Office of the Academic Dean for approval.
In subjects approved by the faculty and relevant to a student’s program, academic credit may be granted for practical experience that enhances performance, requires the application of learning, or integrates theory and practice. Work experience in practicum courses is always accompanied by seminar sessions or meetings with the faculty, formal reading and/or writing assignments and evaluation of academic as well as work performance.
Receiving Credit by Transfer
Students seeking Credit by Transfer are responsible for providing OFFICIAL records from their transferring institution, including college transcripts, military records, and external examination score reports. OFFICIAL records must be sent directly from the transferring institution to the College’s Registrar’s Office. Hand-carried documents, although useful at an initial admissions conference, are not accepted for official evaluation of transfer credit.
Credit by Transfer is normally evaluated during the semester in which the student is admitted (or readmitted) and registered as a degree-seeking student. Once the transfer credits are evaluated, the student receives a course history report from the Registrar showing the credits as evaluated. Students are advised to consult with their academic advisor for the application of this transfer credit to the student’s particular Plan of Study.
Students planning to graduate, who are not currently registered, are advised to request transfer evaluation of credits needed to complete graduation requirements (which are not reflected on the student’s transcript).
For most programs of study there is no time limit on previously earned credits in transfer. However some courses in the Technical and Nursing degrees must be within five years to apply to the degree. Students are reminded that acceptance of all transfer credit is at the discretion of the College.
Acceptance of Transfer Credit at Community Colleges:
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) - Board of Regents for Higher Education Policy:
- Credit from Other Collegiate Institutions
At all the community colleges, degree and certificate credit shall be granted only for credit courses completed at all institutions within the Connecticut state system of higher education and at all other collegiate institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as either a Regional Accrediting Organization or a Specialized and Professional Accrediting Organization in accordance with the following:
- Degree and certificate credit shall be granted for all credit courses that are applicable to the objectives of, or equivalent to the course requirements of the curriculum in which the transferring student enrolls. Credit work that is not applicable or equivalent to curriculum requirements shall be accepted for credit at the discretion of the College. Degree and certificate credit shall also be granted on the basis of performance on examinations in accordance with standards and limits approved by the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) - Board of Regents for Higher Education.
- Degree and certificate credits shall be granted for credit courses completed with a letter grade of “C-minus” or better, or with a grade of “P” (Pass) with the following exceptions: all technology programs and the Nursing Program where a “C” grade or better is required. Such credit courses shall be accepted only for credit, and letter grades assigned by other institutions shall not be recorded or included in computations of student grade point averages.
- Notwithstanding the number of degree credits which shall be granted in accordance with the foregoing, the student must complete at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the minimum credit requirements for the degree or certificate requirements through course work at the college awarding the degree or certificate.
- When a student seeks transfer credit for technical or specialty courses into a program that is also accredited by a national or regional specialized accrediting agency such credits must be from a comparably accredited program. In the case of a request for transfer credit for technical or specialty courses from a non-specialty accredited program, the college shall provide appropriate means for the validation of the student’s competency in the technical specialty course areas.
- Credit for Recognized Courses from Non-Collegiate Organizations
Students who have completed courses sponsored by employers, government agencies, labor unions, and professional associations may be eligible for transfer credit. The award of credit is based on the recommendations in the American Council on Education’s (ACE) National Guide to Credit Recommendations for Noncollegiate Courses, the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) and Charter Oak State College’s Connecticut Credit Assessment Program Course Reviews.
- Credit may be awarded for military training, ratings and occupational specialties as recommended in the ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.
- Credit may also be awarded for work completed in specific areas at non-collegiate institutions if formal approval has been sought and granted by the Connecticut Community Technical Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the Connecticut Department of Higher Education. Only an institution may apply for recognition of non-collegiate work, not an individual student.
- Completing Degree Requirements at Other Colleges
Students enrolled in a degree program who wish to complete Three Rivers’ degree requirements at other colleges or universities should request approval, when possible, from their advisor before undertaking such work. This procedure is referred to as “reverse transfer.”
- Credit by Examination
Credit by examination may be recognized if applicable to the degree or certificate program in which a student is enrolled. Any credit earned by examination is recorded on the student’s transcript as semester hours but without grades and grade points.
- External Examinations
Three Rivers awards credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DSST Standardized Tests according to the applicable college policy, which is based on the American Council on Education’s credit recommendations.
The college policy for awarding credit in the foreign languages follows: Students can receive academic credit for proficiency in the languages offered at Three Rivers (French and Spanish). They can receive up to six academic credits for proficiency in Elementary French I ° and Elementary French II ° and Elementary Spanish I ° and Elementary Spanish II ° by taking the CLEP standardized test. If the student’s CLEP score entitles him or her to twelve credits, the additional six credits will be awarded as Language Electives. Or, if they wish, they may receive academic credit for Intermediate Spanish I ° and Intermediate Spanish II ° and Intermediate French I and II (third and fourth semester Spanish and French) by taking an institutional exam.
CLEP and DSST tests are administered at Three Rivers. Contact the Student Services Office for information about this program.
- Internal (Challenge) Examinations
In specific areas sanctioned by the College, a student may, on the basis of previous study and experience and at the discretion of the department chairperson involved, take a special examination for credit for a course without having enrolled in that course. The student is not permitted to earn credit by examination in a course in which he or she has already received a grade or if there is a standardized exam in that course (CLEP or DSST).
- Advanced Placement Examinations
Three Rivers also grants credit for Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Examination Entrance Board with scores of 3 or above according to current college policy.
- Credit for Prior Learning Through Portfolio Development
(The Assessment of Prior Learning Program)
Students who plan to apply for such credit must enroll in a four-credit course entitled COU K122 - Portfolio Development ° . The student develops a portfolio in which he or she describes the learning acquired through prior experiences, specifies learning outcomes, provides appropriate documentation, and requests college credit for that learning. An Assessment Committee made up of faculty and professional staff reviews and evaluates the portfolio and then determines how many credits the student should receive. Up to 30 credits gained through this evaluation process are applicable towards an associate degree at Three Rivers. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the total credits applicable to an associate degree or certificate must be taken at Three Rivers and not have been used in a previous certificate or degree awarded by TRCC.
No credit shall be awarded via portfolio review outside of the subject areas encompassed by the approved curricula of the institution. No more than 50 percent of the credits required for a degree can be satisfied through non-traditional learning. Non-traditional learning includes credit for prior learning, CLEP, DSST or challenge exams and military credit.
Transfer to Bachelor’s Degree Programs
With advance planning, a student who earns an associate degree in one of Three Rivers’ transfer programs can transfer to a bachelor’s degree program and begin upper division work immediately.
Students who plan to transfer should confer with their academic advisor or a counselor early in their college enrollment to ensure that their course selections parallel as closely as possible the first and second year requirements of the transfer college or university. It is especially important to consult with an advisor/counselor when choosing electives.
Three Rivers Community College has a number of specific transfer articulation agreements with public and private colleges and universities. These articulation agreements are typically written on a program/curriculum basis, providing the potential transfer student with specific course equivalencies.
Up-to-date information about course selection and program planning for transfer to Connecticut State Universities, the University of Connecticut, and many private colleges and universities is available in the Student Development Center or from a counselor.
Connecticut College of Technology
The Connecticut College of Technology is a concept rather than a physical college. There are two discrete plans: a pre-engineering plan and a pre-technology plan. After successfully completing the specific curriculum requirements, the student will be accepted into an engineering program at the University of Connecticut or a technology program at Central Connecticut State University with advanced placement status. For more information about these programs please contact the Admissions Office or refer to the Technologies web page for specific information and course availability.
Connecticut State Universities
Graduates of the Connecticut Community Colleges with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher are guaranteed admission to the university of their choice within the Connecticut State University System. Community College graduates admitted to the Connecticut State University of their choice shall be given the same consideration for admission to specific majors and admitted on the same terms as students who began their studies at the university.
In the case of majors for which articulation agreements have been adopted, Community College students preparing for transfer should follow the terms of the articulation agreement regarding course prerequisites, grade point averages, and other requirements stated in the agreement.
Students enrolled in CSCU’s Transfer Ticket Programs will, upon graduation, be admitted as juniors and will be expected to complete two years of full-time (or equivalent part-time) study at the university to be eligible for the bachelor’s degree.
Graduates of the Community College must make application by the date and on the forms prescribed by the university, including the submission of all the required transcripts, documents, and fees.
Honors Program
The Three Rivers Community College Honors Program is designed to provide academically talented and motivated students an opportunity to develop their intellectual skills through challenging work that emphasizes critical and analytical thinking. In addition to developing advanced academic skills,
students enrolled in the Honors program will benefit from the following:
- Honors designation on transcripts
- Invitation to special events and programs
- Personal letters of recommendation
Students who graduate from the program may also be eligible for:
- Honors recognition at Commencement
- Honors Diploma
- Honors Alumni activities
In addition, it is the intent of the program to develop articulation agreements with private and state colleges / universities.
Admission Requirements:
A student wishing to participate in the Honors program must have a 3.5 high school cumulative GPA or a 3.5 college GPA based on a minimum of 12 credit hours. Two letters of recommendation must accompany the application, followed by a personal interview with the program coordinator and/or the program advisory panel. In addition, students must score at the MAT* K137 /ENG* K101 level of the placement exams or have successfully completed those courses. Students may enter the program at the start of any semester and must maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA in order to remain in good standing.
Program Requirements:
Any student who meets the acceptance criteria may participate in the program. However, those who intend to graduate from the program must fulfill the following:
- Complete the requirements for an Associate Degree with a minimum 3.5 GPA
- Complete 4 Honors Contracts (minimum of 12 credits) with grade of B+ or higher
Class Attendance Policy
Instructional staff assigned to all sections of credit bearing courses at Three Rivers take attendance at each class meeting and retain accurate records of attendance for at least three calendar years. The manner in which attendance is taken is determined at the professional discretion of the instructor. In certain instances, these records are furnished to the Financial Aid Office, Veterans Affairs office, Employer sponsors and the International Student advisor.
Early Alert Notifications
Through the Early Alert program, Student Services staff contact students throughout the semester as they exhibit signs of academic difficulty. Faculty members are encouraged to refer these students to Student Services on a continuing basis so they can be contacted in a timely basis to maximize student success. Notification can be made electronically by using the Progress Alerts in blackboard or by submitting the early alert form to Counseling and Advising Center. Required information to include is the specific course and section as well as the student’s name and what the difficulty is.
The objective is to have the student pay attention to early warning signs and to introduce them to strategies they can use to help themselves succeed. These strategies include talking to the instructor, reducing their credit load, learning time management skills, getting tutoring, using the math and writing labs, and contacting their advisor. Students who have stopped attending will be advised to formally withdraw. This effort does not take the place of the instructor’s intervention but is in addition to it.
The student’s assigned advisor is also notified for additional follow up. Counselors follow up on an individual basis if there is any indication of a more serious problem. Early Alert contributes to fostering student connectedness with the college as well as promoting student success.
Administrative Notations and Grade Points for Courses
At the end of each semester, students receive grades in every course in which they are enrolled. Grades represent various levels of accomplishment. Except for developmental courses, grades carry certain “grade points”, which are numerical expressions used to determine each student’s academic standing. The following table lists the grades used and their corresponding grade points.
Grade |
Grade Points |
Definition |
A |
4.0 |
Excellent |
A- |
3.7 |
B+ |
3.3 |
B |
3.0 |
Good |
B- |
2.7 |
C+ |
2.3 |
C |
2.0 |
Satisfactory |
C- |
1.7 |
D+ |
1.3 |
D |
1.0 |
Poor |
D- |
0.7 |
F |
0.0 |
Unsatisfactory |
Posting of “F” Grades
The online grading process requires additional information whenever a grade of F is assigned. To record a failing grade, the instructor is asked to select one of the following codes:
F: This grade is reserved for students who have, in the judgment of the instructor, completed assignments and/or course activities throughout the term sufficient to make a normal evaluation of academic performance possible, but who have failed to meet course objectives.
UF (unearned F): This notation is awarded to students who were enrolled in a course, did not officially withdraw, but who failed to participate in course activities through the end of the term. It is used when, in the judgment of the instructor, completed assignments and/or course activities were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible. Students who receive this notation will have reported on their behalf a “last date of participation” by the assigning faculty member. When saved on the grade roster, this notation will immediately convert to a regular grade of F on the student’s transcript. It will be punitive and count in the GPA. The UF notation is used for internal reporting and will not appear on the student’s transcript.
Non-Academic Grades (No Grade Points)
AU Audit
An administrative transcript notation for students auditing a course. Students not wishing credit may audit a course. This status will allow them to participate in class activities without being required to meet the examination requirements of the course. Students may ask to have papers critiqued, but faculty members are not required to grade an auditor’s course work. Full tuition and fees are charged for courses audited. A student who wishes to audit a course must request this within the first four weeks of the course. Students auditing a course may not change to credit status.
I Incomplete
A temporary grade assigned by the faculty member when course work is missing and the student agrees to complete the requirements. The student and instructor both must sign a contract to permit an “incomplete” grade. The contract will denote what must be completed to resolve the “I” grade. The “I” must be resolved by the end of the tenth week of the next full academic semester (except summer) or it automatically converts to an “F” or “F#” for remedial courses.
P Pass
An administrative transcript notation for successful completion of courses taken on a pass/fail basis. Pass (“P”) is a final grade awarded to a student who elects the P/F Option prior to the end of the tenth week of the fall or spring semester or prior to the completion of two-thirds of a summer session or module course. The “P” is not figured in the Grade Point Average, but it does count as a course attempted. The “F” is figured in the Grade Point Average. The Pass/Fail Option is not available for use on courses to be applied toward a technology degree or for courses in the Nursing Program. The P/F option is irrevocable.
TR Transfer
An administrative transcript notation in lieu of grade for courses accepted for credit completed at all institutions within the Connecticut state system of higher education and at all other regionally accredited collegiate institutions in accordance with policy adopted by the Connecticut State College and Universities (CSCU) Board of Regents for Higher Education. This notation is also used to record credit granted through the Assessment of Prior Learning program.
W Withdrawal
An administrative transcript notation used to indicate that a student is withdrawn from a course in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the college. Students may withdraw, in writing or by phoning the Registrar’s Office directly, for any reason until the end of the 10th week of classes. Financial aid students withdrawing from any courses are advised to notify the Financial Aid office to understand the consequences of withdrawing.
For additional information pertaining to withdrawals please see the section on Academic Misconduct.
Grades for Developmental Courses
Developmental courses do not carry grade points, and the credits assigned to these courses do not count towards the required credits necessary for graduation.
Developmental courses are graded A#, A-#, B+#, B#, B-#, C+#, C#, C-#, D+#, D#, D-#, P# and F# are not calculated in the Grade Point Average.
Grades received and credits earned or not earned in developmental courses do not affect graduation honors in any way, positively or negatively. Credits received in developmental courses do not count towards graduation and consequently cannot be applied towards the 25% minimum residency requirement.
Grades for Credit-Free Courses
CS Completed satisfactorily, eligible for CEU as assigned.
CU Completed unsatisfactorily, not eligible for CEU award.
CX Course not completed by student.
CN Indicates no grade assigned by instructor.
Repeated Courses
Effective Fall 2002, the repeat policy is: No course may be repeated more than twice. The highest grade received will be used in calculating the student’s academic average. This does not apply to those courses that are designed to be repeated for additional credit.
From Fall 1995 through Summer 2001, the repeat policy was: a student may repeat any course, regardless of the grade received. In every instance, the last grade received will become the valid grade for computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA). All grades still appear on the transcript, with the annotation “E” for excluded after the first attempted course grade. The meaning of “E” is that the grade points associated with the grade have been excluded from the GPA calculation. Credit for any given course is awarded only once.
For the benefit of all students who repeated courses during the period of Fall 1993 through Summer 1995, the earlier restriction on repeating courses graded “C” or better has been removed. The revised policy of unrestricted repeats introduced with the Fall 1995 semester has been applied retroactively to those students who received an unauthorized repeat symbol instead of an earned grade for the repeated course. Affected students will now receive the highest grade earned for the course and the associated grade points will be used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. Any students negatively impacted by the retroactive change in policy may petition the Academic Dean for individual review of their academic record.
The Grade Point Average (GPA)
The GPA is used to determine a student’s standing in his or her class and in the College generally. Total grade points for a semester are calculated by multiplying the grade points allocated to each letter grade times the number of credits (in semester hours) assigned to each course attempted. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of credits earned, either in one semester or over the student’s entire college career.
For example:
Course |
Grade |
Credits |
Points Per Credit |
MAT* K137 |
B |
3 |
x |
3.0 = |
9.0 |
ENG* K101 |
A- |
3 |
x |
3.7 = |
11.1 |
PSY* K111 |
C |
3 |
x |
2.0 = |
6.0 |
BIO* K121 |
A |
4 |
x |
4.0 = |
16.0 |
____________________________________________________________________________ |
13 |
42.1 |
This student’s GPA would be 3.24 (42.1 divided by 13). |
Standards of Progress
Academic Progress Standard #1 - Academic Standing (ASTD)
Beginning with Fall 2004, academic standing is calculated based on cumulative GPA hours (rather than attempted hours) and the student’s overall GPA. Courses with the # and ^ sign and N, W, I, AU (Audit), and P (Pass) are excluded from the calculation.
Cumulative GPA Hours |
Overall GPA |
Academic Standing |
0.5 - 11.99 |
1.5 - 4.0 |
Good Standing |
0.5 - 11.99 |
0.0 - 1.49 |
Written Warning |
12 - 30.99 |
1.7 - 4.0 |
Good Standing |
12 - 30.99 |
0.0 - 1.69 |
Academic Probation |
31 - 999.99 |
2.0 - 4.0 |
Good Standing |
31 - 999.99 |
0.0 - 1.99 |
Academic Probation |
Students who have been placed on academic probation for one semester and who have not attained the overall GPA to move back into good standing will be placed on suspension.
Academic Progress Standard #2 - Progress Evaluation (PREV)
Progress evaluation is based on the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 50% of all credits (not courses) taken at the college. Courses that have been graded or that carry the following annotations will be counted as non-completions: F, F#, W, N and N#.
The progress evaluation percentage is calculated as follows:
Total cumulative credits minus credits that have been graded as non-completions divided by total cumulative credits
For example, if a NEW student takes four three-credit courses this fall and receives grades of C, B, F and W, then the calculation will be: (12-6) divided by 12 = ½ or 50%. The student will be in good standing because they have successfully completed a minimum of 50% of total credits.
Combined Academic Standing
Effective with Fall 2004 grading, the combined academic standing will determine whether a student can continue taking courses for the next term with no restrictions (Good Standing), with a limited credit load (Probation) or if the student is suspended from taking any classes for the minimum of one term. The possible permutations of Academic Standing and Progress Evaluation descriptions and the resultant combined academic standing are shown below.
Academic Standing + Progress Evaluation = Combined Academic Standing
Academic Standing |
Progress Evaluation |
Combined Academic Standing |
TRCC Restrictions |
Good Standing |
Good Standing |
Good Standing |
No Restrictions |
Good Standing |
Probation |
Progress Probation |
Warning Letter |
Written Warning |
Good Standing |
GPA Written Warning |
Warning Letter |
Written Warning |
Probation |
Warning and Progress Probation |
Warning Letter |
Academic Probation |
Good Standing |
GPA Probation |
9 Credit Limit |
Academic Probation |
Probation |
GPA and Progress Probation |
9 Credit Limit |
Academic Suspension |
Good Standing |
GPA Suspension |
Cannot Register |
Academic Suspension |
Probation |
Progress Probation and GPA Suspension |
Cannot Register |
Students who fail to regain satisfactory academic progress at the conclusion of the GPA Probation semester will be subject to GPA Suspension. Suspension can result in ineligibility to return to the college for a minimum of one semester.
Students placed on academic probation or suspension who believe extenuating circumstances affected their performance, including financial aid recipients who have their funding suspended due to unsatisfactory academic progress, may submit a written letter of appeal to the Academic Dean.
Academic Warning, Probation and Suspension
- Satisfactory academic progress will be evaluated by the College when a student is registered at Three Rivers (including all registered courses at former Mohegan Community College and Thames Valley State Technical College).
- Students who have completed less than 12 credits whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) falls below 1.5 will be given a Written Warning.
- Students who have completed between 12 and 30.99 credits inclusive whose CGPA falls below 1.7 and those who have completed 31 or more credits whose CGPA falls below 2.0, will be given a written notice that they are placed on Academic Probation. Students will receive written notification of the academic probation status and will be required to reduce their registered course load for the next enrollment period. Financial Aid recipients placed on academic probation will also have their funding suspended until they regain satisfactory academic progress.
- Students who fail to regain satisfactory academic progress at the conclusion of the Academic Probation Semester will be subject to Academic Suspension from the College for a minimum of one semester.
- Students placed on Academic Probation or Suspension who believe extenuating circumstances affected their performance, including financial aid recipients who have their funding suspended due to unsatisfactory academic progress, may submit a written letter of appeal to the Academic Dean.
Veterans: Academic/Financial Aid Warning and Suspension and VA Benefits
Students receiving Veterans Affairs (VA) educational benefits who do not meet the College’s satisfactory performance requirements will be placed on academic and/or financial aid warning. While on warning, students will be required to meet with an advisor for educational plan adjustment, which may require a reduction in course load. Students may continue to enroll and receive financial aid/VA benefits while on warning status. Failure to meet satisfactory academic progress while on warning status will result in academic and/or financial Aid/VA Benefits suspension. While on suspension, students are not eligible to enroll and/or receive federal funding/VA benefit funding. Students will be notified of being placed on warning or suspension statu via College student email account.
Reinstatement of Suspended Students
Suspended students who are reinstated to the College must satisfactorily complete all course work and achieve a minimum semester grade point average of 1.7 or higher each semester following their reinstatement until they regain satisfactory academic standing. Students who do not meet these criteria shall again be subject to suspension from the College. Subsequent reinstatement requests must be submitted to the Academic Dean.
Academic Honors
Semester Honors
- Full-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program and who successfully complete 12 or more GPA credits of work in a semester with a grade point average of 3.4 or higher shall be recognized by having their names placed on a Dean’s List. GPA credits are the credits earned in college-level courses at Three Rivers that are assigned grade points and included in GPA calculation. Transfer credits, developmental course credits, CLEP and DSST test credits, and credits earned through Assessment of Prior Learning, are not GPA credits and not included in semester or graduation honors calculation.
- Part-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program are also eligible for such recognition when they have completed 12 or more GPA credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher. They may be subsequently recognized at the completion of an additional 12 or more GPA credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher, and at successive intervals of 12 GPA credits.
- A course Withdrawal or Incomplete shall make the student ineligible for Dean’s List recognition that semester. Upon completion of the Incomplete, the student may be recognized retroactively.
- Students who are in a probationary status are not eligible for Dean’s List recognition, even if their cumulative grade point average might otherwise make them eligible.
Graduation Honors *
Students with exemplary academic performance shall be recognized with graduation honors as follows:
- Summa Cum Laude/Highest Honors for students with a 3.9 - 4.0 grade point average
- Magna Cum Laude/High Honors for students with a 3.7 - 3.89 grade point average
- Cum Laude/Honors for students with a 3.4 - 3.69 grade point average
Students with an Incomplete may become eligible retroactively for graduation honors upon completion of the course requirements, and recognition shall appear on the transcript, provided the student has the required grade point average.
Transfer credits, developmental course credits, CLEP and DSST test credits, and credits earned through Assessment of Prior Learning, are not included in graduation or semester honors calculation.
* Please note: the preliminary honors announcement at the June graduation ceremony is based on the student’s academic record effective at the end of the prior fall semester. Official honors determination is made based on the students complete record, which includes the Spring semester prior to graduation. For this reason, the official honors recognition may differ from that announced at graduation.
The Fresh Start Option permits a fresh start for students who have been away from the College for two (2) or more years, who would return on probation or have been suspended. Students will be reviewed by the Academic Dean if they attended under a different Academic Standing policy.
If approved, the student will receive credit for the courses with a grade of “C-” or above (62 = 1.7), including “P” (Pass). Courses with a grade less than a “C-” will not retain credit. All courses and grades remain on the student’s academic record with an additional notation of when the Fresh Start Option is in effect but grades are not incorporated in the GPA.
- Fresh Start Option may be used only once.
- Fresh Start Option does not apply to any completed degree or certificates.
- Fresh Start must be applied to ALL courses taken during the time span under consideration, even if completed satisfactorily.
- A student must complete a minimum of 15 credits after returning to college under the Fresh Start Option to be eligible for a degree or certificate, and for graduation honors.
Academic Integrity
The effective operation of any organization is dependent on the honesty and goodwill of its members. In an organization devoted to the pursuit of knowledge, acting with integrity is essential to effective teaching and learning. Furthermore, academic dishonesty erodes the legitimacy of every degree awarded by the College. To emphasize the importance of academic integrity, Three Rivers Community College adheres to the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy, as provided by the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) - Board of Regents for Higher Education. Since collaboration is central to the learning community, Three Rivers wishes to emphasize that this policy is not intended to discourage collaboration when appropriate, approved, and disclosed.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct, which includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism and all forms of cheating.
Plagiarism is defined as the submission of work by a student for academic credit as one’s own work of authorship which contains work of another author without appropriate attribution.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to: (i) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests or examinations; (ii) use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; (iii) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff; and (iv) engaging in any other behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus.
Academic Dishonesty in a Service Learning, Practicum, Internship, Co-operative, or Fieldwork Environment
Conduct in community settings entered by a student as part of coursework must be equally characterized by integrity and honesty. Dishonest conduct proscribed under this policy includes but is not limited to (a) making false statements to community partners about the student’s skills, credentials and accomplishments, (b) making false statements to community partners or the instructor about progress in the work the student has agreed to do in the community, including supplying false documentation of work, (c) failing to abide by the rules and policies of the community partners that the student agreed to accept as a condition of entrance into the community setting, (d) failing to return materials belonging to the community partner or instructor (e) violating the ethical principles common to professional researchers, including violation of confidentiality or anonymity agreements with research subjects, deceiving or harming research subjects, or coercing participation in research.
When Academic Misconduct is Suspected*:
- The faculty member will meet with the student and discuss the incident in question. If the faculty member is not comfortable with meeting the student privately, the Academic Dean or designee may be invited to attend the meeting. A faculty member may instead refer a suspected incident of academic dishonesty to the Dean’s office.
- During the course of the meeting, the faculty member should explain why he or she suspects academic dishonesty.
- The student should be given a full opportunity to respond to the faculty member’s concerns.
- If, at the end of the meeting, the faculty member is convinced that no academic dishonesty has in fact occurred, the incident is considered resolved.
- If, at the end of the meeting, the faculty member is not certain that an incident of academic dishonesty has occurred, the faculty member may warn the student that the assignment is questionable and that future assignments will be scrutinized carefully. The incident is then considered resolved.
- If, at the end of the meeting, the faculty member feels strongly that an incidence of academic dishonesty has occurred, he or she may assign a grade of F or of 0 for the assignment in question, or the faculty member may require that the student complete a make-up assignment or a corrected revision in lieu of the questionable assignment. In a situation where the incident of academic dishonesty does not involve a gradable assignment, the faculty member may require the student to complete some other form of correction. (e.g. returning materials taken from a community
- If the student accepts the penalty assigned in Step 4, the faculty member is encouraged to report the student’s name, date, assignment type, type of academic dishonesty and any disciplinary measures taken to the Academic Dean’s office for confidential tracking of repeat offenders, and the incident is considered resolved.
- If the student refuses to accept the penalty assigned in Step 4, the faculty member will report the student’s name, date, assignment type, type of academic dishonesty and any recommended disciplinary measures to the Academic Dean’s office for confidential tracking of repeat offenders. Furthermore, the faculty member will initiate the Discipline Procedures as defined by the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) - Board of Regents for Higher Education, in the Student Discipline Policy, section 3:1-10 by submitting a statement of possible violation with the Academic Dean.
* Please note: Withdrawal (“W”) will not be permitted if the student seeking to withdraw is suspected of having committed academic misconduct in the course from which withdrawal is sought. A withdrawal will be permitted when such suspicion is resolved by the faculty member without a conclusion the student engaged in academic misconduct in the course. The College reserves the right to substitute a final course grade for a previously recorded “W” when the final course grade reflects the judgment of a faculty member that the student committed academic misconduct in the course for which a “W” had been previously recorded.
Promoting Academic Integrity at Three Rivers
Faculty are encouraged to distribute and discuss this document in their classes.
Faculty are encouraged to include the following statement in their syllabi:
Academic integrity is essential to a useful education. Failure to act with academic integrity severely limits a person’s ability to succeed in the classroom and beyond. Furthermore, academic dishonesty erodes the legitimacy of every degree awarded by the College. In this class and in the course of your academic career, present only your own best work; clearly document the sources of the material you use from others; and act at all times with honor.
Faculty are encouraged to have students write and sign Honor Statements for assignments where they would be appropriate.
For Example:
“I have not given nor received any unauthorized assistance in completing this assignment.”
“I assert that the work presented in this assignment is my own original effort.”
These assertions are intended to confirm the understanding between faculty and students that academic integrity is essential and not to imply a lack of integrity on the part of any student. Faculty should specify the consequences of failure or refusal to sign and may consider alternative means of affirming academic integrity.
Appeal of Grades
A student who wishes to appeal an awarded grade should first confer with the faculty member concerned within 15 days of becoming aware of the grade. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of that conference, the student should see the program coordinator and/or department chair and then, if not satisfied, may submit a written appeal to the Academic Dean, who will consult with the faculty member and the appropriate department chair. The appeals process is described in detail in the Review of Academic Standing section (sec. 3), found in the Student Rights Policy section of the Institutional Policies page.
Course Substitutions for Students with Disabilities
The Americans with Disabilities Act (1992) addresses the substitution of courses required for a degree. In certain situations, provided the college has adequate documentation of the student’s disability, a substitution of a course requirement for another appropriate course is possible. Students are encouraged to contact a disabilities advisor for the specific policy and procedures to follow.
Three Rivers awards the Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Associate in Arts (AA) and the Associate in Science (AS) degrees and certificates to qualified candidates as authorized by the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut.
Graduation is not Automatic, you must apply.
Three Rivers accepts applications and certifies student eligibility for graduation three times each year following the fall and spring semesters and at the end of the summer session. Application for graduation must be made according to the following schedule:
Graduation Application Deadlines
Spring (May) Graduation |
Apply by February 28 |
Summer (August) Graduation |
Apply by February 28 (walk in the current year Spring seremony) |
Summer (August) Graduation |
Apply by June 1 (if not walking in the ceremony) |
Fall (December) Graduation |
Apply by October 1 (walk in the next Spring ceremony) |
Students are encouraged to apply early. |
Please see for graduation application procedure.
Program Requirements for Graduation
The Plan of Study used to determine graduation eligibility will be that under which the candidate first enrolled, except as noted in the following:
- If the candidate was readmitted to the College, after an absence of two years or more, the Plan of Study at the time of being readmitted will be the plan of study the candidate will follow.
- If the candidate changed his/her program one or more times during attendance, the Plan of Study used shall be that which was in effect at the time of the last change of program.
- If the courses required within a program have been significantly changed since the time of enrolled readmission or change of program, or if other unusual circumstances exist as determined by the Registrar, the catalog in effect at the time of graduation may be used. If the candidate disagrees with the selection of catalog, he/she may seek written permission from the program coordinator and/or department chair to be evaluated under another catalog.
- In no case will a student be permitted to use requirements from more than one catalog, or from a combination of catalogs, to meet graduation requirements.
Graduation Requirements:
- Official enrollment in a Three Rivers Community College certificate or degree program.
- Satisfactory completion of all courses required in the certificate or degree program with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 and no more than 12 credits carrying a grade of P.
- A minimum of 25% of the graduation credit requirements must be earned at Three Rivers and must not have been used in a previously awarded TRCC degree or certificate.
- Completion of a basic computer literacy requirement, if required in the specific degree program.
- Successful completion of at least 50% of all courses attempted at Three Rivers.
- Prompt and timely completion of the Application and an approved Plan of Study.
- Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College. As a courtesy, students planning to graduate in August are permitted to participate in the June commencement held before the date of their August graduation provided they apply by the appropriate deadline.
Please note that the preliminary honors announcement at the June graduation ceremony is based on the student’s academic record effective at the end of the prior Fall semester. Official honors determination is made based on the student’s complete record, which includes the Spring semester prior to graduation. For this reason, the official honors recognition may differ from that announced at graduation.
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) - Board of Regents for Higher Education Medallion for Academic Excellence
The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) - Board of Regents for Higher Education Medallion for Academic Excellence is awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishments of associate degree graduates of the community colleges and is presented at commencement. Annually, each community college shall determine the students eligible to receive the medallion in accordance with the following criteria:
- Recipients must be graduating students who have earned a cumulative quality point ratio of 4.00;
- Recipients must have completed the degree requirements of an approved associate degree program and must have completed at least 50% of the degree requirements in residence at the community college awarding the degree;
- Graduates shall not be disqualified from receiving the award on the basis of having a “W” or other similar transcript notation of official course withdrawal(s).
This policy shall be implemented in recognition of the existence and intent of “fresh start” policies of community colleges.
Earning Multiple Degrees
A student may earn two degrees in different curriculums at Three Rivers. Such a student is treated similarly to a transfer student with respect to the minimum number of credits he/she must take for the second degree. This will require that a student complete all program requirements and in no case less than 25% of the total credits required in the new curriculum as additional hours of credit at the college through which the second degree is to be conferred.
Requests for additional degrees beyond the second require prior approval from the Academic Dean. Completion of requirements of an additional program option does not constitute a different degree. A student wishing to earn a certificate and degree in the same program must complete the requirements of the certificate prior to earning the degree.
General Education Competencies
The faculty of Three Rivers recognize the importance of a general education curriculum that provides sufficient breadth and depth of coursework for students. Because of this, and in accordance with NEASC standards and BOR policies, students in all degree programs take courses that fulfill the college’s General Education requirements. This includes a selection of coursework for each major that covers the following competency areas: Written Communication, Oral Communication, Scientific Reasoning, Scientific Knowledge & Understanding, Quantitative Reasoning, Historical Knowledge & Understanding, Social Phenomena Knowledge & Understanding, Aesthetic Dimensions of Humankind, Ethical Dimensions of Humankind, Continuing Learning/Information Literacy, and Critical Analysis/Logical Thinking.
Computer Resources Policy
The Community College System offers computing service to faculty, staff, and students for instructional and administrative use through the system data center and local campus computer centers. The availability and use of these resources carry with it a set of responsibilities for all the users of these resources. All accounts for the usage of these resources are allocated on the condition that their use is governed by the following policy. Colleges shall post the policy in all student computer laboratories and other areas that contain computer resources, (e.g., libraries) and shall include the policy in either their catalogs or student handbooks. Further, this policy statement shall be distributed to all faculty and staff involved with college computing resources and be reviewed in all pertinent classes at the first meeting of each semester.
Conduct and Ethics for Use of Computer Resources
Every individual with access to computer resources and facilities at Three Rivers is bound by these policies. Any individual who breaks, or is suspected of breaking these rules, may have their authorization to use or access the computer resources immediately withdrawn. In this regard, the College reserves the right to access all accounts and/or media being used on Three Rivers’ computer resources for management and security purposes.
All computer related resources and facilities at Three Rivers are under the jurisdiction of the Information Technology Division. They will be used solely for legitimate and authorized academic and/or administrative purposes required in the performance of assigned duties/academic endeavors at Three Rivers. They shall not be used for personal (private or non-profit) work not specifically authorized by the College, without the written approval of the Dean of Information Technology. Any unauthorized or illegitimate use of the computer system resources and/or facilities may necessitate disciplinary and/or legal action against the violators. Legal action or violation of 53a-250 et seq. of the State General Statutes may lead to a felony conviction. Items covered include, but are not limited to:
- Unauthorized access to Computer Systems/Information.
- Theft of Computer Services.
- Unauthorized disruption of Computer Services.
- Unauthorized disclosure, use, alteration, or destruction of information.
- Damage to, destruction of, or tampering with computer equipment or software.
- Unauthorized installation and/or use of non-college software on Three Rivers equipment.
Any allocation by the Information Technology Division is made with the understanding that the allocation and/or account(s) are (1) to be used solely for the purpose indicated and required by Three Rivers, (2) to be used only by the person to whom they have been allocated, and (3) to be used only while they are active members of the staff or currently registered student body.
Any individual who has been authorized to use computing resources at Three Rivers shall be expected to regard all copyrighted account(s) or proprietary information, which may become available as confidential. It may not be copied, modified, or otherwise used for other than the intended use unless prior written permission from the owner/licensee has been obtained and a copy of this authorization provided to the Division of Information Technology. Unless otherwise legitimately noted as “Public Domain”, all software used by Three Rivers shall be considered copyrighted unless cleared by the Three Rivers Information Technology Division.
Any non-State employee who uses State Computer Resources while engaged in a software development project intended for State use shall, prior to starting the project, make written arrangements with Three Rivers for payment, or sign an agreement to ensure that the product belongs to the State. All software developed by State employees using State resources is the property of the State.
No one shall attempt to disassemble, modify, repair, change configuration or relocate any computer-related equipment unless expressly authorized to do so by the Information Technology Division.
Internet access is provided at various levels. Transmission or receipt of data from the network is permitted as long as it falls within the law; complies with the restrictions imposed by our access vendor; supports College activities to enhance educational and research activities; does not contain threatening, obscene, or harassing materials; and does not contaminate or overload site resources. Applicable laws include laws of the country, states, counties and cities, etc. through which the traffic flows. Legal non-executable file formats are permitted and may be used on the system. Compressed files (.zip, .tar, .z, etc.) can be downloaded, but NOT used (not even an executed one) on College equipment and must be removed from all College systems immediately. Executable and self-extracting files can only be downloaded to College equipment if they are converted to a compressed format prior to receipt and the procedures for compressed files are followed.