Most financial aid at Three Rivers is provided by federal programs. Grants are considered “gift” aid and do not need to be repaid. Low interest loans are to be repaid over an extended period once a student ceases half-time attendance. Part-time employment is another form of assistance; the student is paid an hourly wage (Work-Study Program).
The Financial Aid Office supplies information about the various forms of financial aid to students including grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study opportunities. This information is also fully described in the College catalog. Students must reapply each academic year for financial aid.
Applying for Financial Aid
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available on-line at ( This application enables the student to apply for all sources of financial assistance awarded by the college as well as the Federal Pell Grant. The FSA ID - a username and password - has replaced the Federal Student Aid PIN and must be used to log in to certain U.S. Department of Education websites. Your FSA ID confirms your identity when you access your financial aid information and electronically sign Federal Student Aid documents. If you do not already have an FSA ID, you can create one when logging in to or Upon completion of the application procedures outlined below, the applicant will have applied for all sources of aid available through the Financial Aid Office (see Federal Direct Loan Program). Applications should be submitted to the Federal Government by May 1st. Adhering to this deadline will assure students of priority consideration and an answer concerning eligibility before the semester begins. However, applications are accepted throughout the academic year since financial aid is awarded to students until funds are depleted.
To be considered for financial aid, the applicant must complete the following steps:
- Complete the process for admissions (see the Admissions section of this catalog for detailed instructions).
- Create a FSA ID online at
- Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on-line at
- Provide any additional documentation required by the Financial Aid Office after completion of the FAFSA application.
Determination of Need
Financial aid is granted on the basis of need. A student’s financial need is the difference between the total cost of one academic year of study at the College and the total resources available to the student. This is based on information supplied on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The amount of aid awarded to a particular student is determined by the Financial Aid Office, and depends on the student’s financial need and the availability of funds. The cost of education includes the direct costs of tuition, fees, books and supplies. It also includes indirect costs of personal expenses, transportation, meals, and housing costs.
Requirements for Financial Aid Recipients
Applicants must:
- be enrolled in a degree or certificate program by having completed all necessary admissions steps.
- be in good academic standing and making satisfactory academic progress. This is defined as a progression toward successful academic completion of course requirements for a degree or certificate by maintaining a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 and successfully completing a percentage of the credits attempted on a cumulative basis. See the next section “Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy” for complete details.
- be a citizen or eligible non-citizen of the U.S. or Trust Territories.
- not be in default in the repayment of any educational loans or owe a refund on any Title IV grant program at any institution.
- be registered with the Selective Service if you are a male.
- have not been convicted of an illegal drug offense while receiving financial aid.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is available at:
If you are currently suspended you can appeal your status by completing the following form:
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeals Policy
Students may appeal any decision under the SAP Policy. A student must complete the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form which one can obtain from the financial aid office and online at our website ( Appeals will be considered for emergency circumstances including illness, death of a family member or other unusual situations. All students MUST meet with an advisor first, and obtain the advisor’s signature on the Appeal Form before the Financial Aid Office will consider their appeal. All students will be expected to provide clear evidence in their appeal form of the following issues: 1) state the reason for appeal 2) what has changed from the time when unsatisfactory academic progress occurred, and 3) how (s)he will be capable of overcoming past academic difficulties. In addition, students must provide third party documentation to support their claims (i.e., medical evidence of illness, death certificate, etc.).
Veterans - For more info on SAP go to the “Academic Warning, Probation and Suspension” section of this catalog which can be found on the General Academic Information and Policies page.
Financial Aid Programs
Programs of Financial Aid described herein are subject to change due to Federal, State and local regulations or funding fluctuations.
Federal Pell Grant Program
This grant, based on need, is intended to be the “base” of a financial aid package, and may be combined with other forms of aid to meet the direct cost of education.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
This program provides grants to eligible students demonstrating financial need. Preference is given to students with exceptional need. A student MUST be eligible for the PELL Grant to receive SEOG.
Roberta B. Willis Scholarship Program
The Office of Higher Education established this scholarship program to annually make need-based financial aid and need-based merit aid available to eligible Connecticut residents. They must be enrolled as undergraduates at Connecticut’s public and nonprofit independent institutions of higher education, and they must be registered for at least six (6) credits.
Community College Grant Program
This State program allows for the remission of tax supported tuition, fees, and cost of books for resident students who demonstrate substantial financial need.
The interest rate is determined each academic year by the government. Payments are deferred until the student is enrolled less than half-time, or no longer enrolled. Students will have to complete the Loan Literacy Process.
College Work-Study Program
This program provides college jobs for students who need money. Students work up to a maximum of twenty hours per week during academic periods and up to thirty-five hours per week during vacation periods depending on their financial need and the availability of funds. Hours can be arranged to suit a student’s academic schedule. Any student seeking work-study campus employment should contact the Financial Aid Office.
Scholarships - Three Rivers College Foundation and Departmental
The Three Rivers College Foundation Scholarship program awards both merit and need-based scholarships as well as department scholarships. Students may earn a scholarship based on financial status, academic excellence, service to the College and community, or a combination of these factors. To apply for any of these scholarships, the TRC Foundation Scholarship application and/or the Department Scholarship application must be completed and include all required attachments (essay, transcript, letter of recommendation and other requested materials). The Scholarship applications deadline is April 2, 2019 for the 2019-2020 academic year. Learn more here.