2022-2023 College Catalog 
    Sep 10, 2024  
2022-2023 College Catalog

Student Services Information Including Advising

     Student Services                              Advising 

     College Transfer Information 



   Student Services Information

The mission of the Student Services Division is to provide a welcoming and supportive environment, which will enhance students’ ability to achieve their highest potential through education programs and services. Our activities and services strive to:

  • Build community awareness of college programs and services
  • Recruit and enroll a diverse student population
  • Provide an environment that encourages learning beyond the classroom
  • Develop student skills in decision-making, problem solving and leadership
  • Encourage students to participate in community service, athletics, and cultural enrichment programs in the arts
  • Recognize and encourage individual achievement
  • Recognize alumni and include them in enriching programs and services
  • Create opportunities for students to explore personal and career choices

The Guided Pathways Advising Program

Attending college is an exciting and challenging experience for students. So much is new: courses, people, learning and future opportunities. Along with the exciting, new experiences often come a variety of unexpected experiences. Whether a first-time, returning, or transfer student, there are often challenges to be managed: personal and family life, academics, time, and financial constraints. The Advising Center supports students during these times and throughout their college journey. Staffed with dedicated professionals, the Advising and Counseling Center offers a full range of academic, career and personal support services. Advising staff work in conjunction with faculty to foster student growth and success. Services in the Center help students clarify and establish meaningful academic, career or personal goals, and help them build and implement action plans to fulfill their goals. One-on-one, workshops, assessments and special groups support students as they sort through competing interests and needs to achieve their goals.

Services of the Center focus on:

  • Academic advising and counseling
  • Career counseling and information
  • Transfer opportunities
  • Physical, psychological and special learning needs
  • Employment counseling and resources for full and part-time jobs and internships
  • Personal counseling and development
  • Referral to community agencies and resources

Academic Advising

Academic advising services are offered through Guided Pathways Advising at Three Rivers. In a student-centered, personalized model, every degree and certificate seeking student is assigned a Guided Pathways Advisor to assist them in their career and academic exploration and decision-making. Guided Pathways Advisors collaborate with faculty advisors to provide holistic planning and support in alignment with the Holistic Case Management Advising policy. Guided Pathways Advisors provide and coordinate sustained, strategic, integrated, proactive, and personalized support to their assigned students to help keep them on plan, which includes resources and services related to their academic, career, financial, and other individual needs. Students following programs of study also work directly with faculty and program coordinators within their chosen major. Guided Pathways Advisors encourages all students to utilize the services, which include career exploration, course planning from initial registration to graduation, transfer advising, adding/dropping classes, changing programs of study, course registration assistance and referrals to college and community resources. While advisors guide and support the student, it is the student who assumes responsibility for their individual academic program completion. Guided Pathways Advising is located in the Student Services A-Wing. For more information, visit  Academic Advising - TRCC Extranet (commnet.edu).

Career Exploration

Guided Pathways Advisors are available to assist students in exploring careers and identifying career goals as part of developing their academic and career plan. Advisors also assist students with their choice of academic program of study correlated to an academic guided pathway. Three Rivers also provides students and alumni free interactive web-based resources for career exploration. Focus 2 Career is a personalized career and education planning system that combines self-assessment, career exploration and decision making into one comprehensive program, as well as the free online support for job search and interview preparation through College Central Network (https://collegecentral.com/threerivers).

Personal Counseling

TRCC Student Services provides confidential counseling and support to all students. Counselors are available to respond to the wide variety of questions and concerns students experience as part of college or their personal life. Individual and group counseling focuses on building life and academic skills as well as support for overcoming learning challenges such as anxiety, motivation, focus, study skills, test-taking strategies, and time management. Counselors work with students to develop learning plans to build effective strategies and outcomes. Counselors are also available for faculty and students when personal or emotional needs arise in class or on campus. Referrals are made to community agencies and services as appropriate.


In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1992, the college offers support services and reasonable accommodations on an individual basis to qualified students with documented disabilities.

Students new to college will find these services different from those of high school, and will be responsible for self-identifying the need for academic and classroom adjustments, and providing necessary support documentation to obtain it. All students receive information on this process in the admissions acceptance packet and it can be obtained in the Student Services offices located in the A-wing. Students with disabilities are encouraged to meet with a disabilities service provider several weeks before registering for classes in order to allow adequate time for processing their needs and communicating those needs to faculty. All information is confidential between the student and Student Services staff. Referrals to community resources for assessment are also available.


A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a course, program, service, job activity, or facility that ensures an equal opportunity for qualified students with disabilities to participate in, and enjoy the benefits of, a service, program, or activity. Aids, benefits, or services need not produce equal results, but must afford an equal opportunity to achieve equal results. When necessary, a disabilities service provider will consult with faculty regarding whether an accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program or activity or whether an academic requirement is essential to the instruction being pursued or to any directly related licensing requirement. In doing so, a disability service provider will examine the following:

• Barriers between individuals with disabilities and the campus environment in accessing courses, programs, services, jobs, activities or facilities without accommodations;

• Requested modifications, accommodations, and auxiliary aids;

• Whether the proposed accommodations would fundamentally alter the nature of the course, program, service, job, activity, or facility;

• Whether an academic requirement is essential to the instruction or to any directly related licensing requirement;

• Whether effective alternatives exist that would allow the individual with a disability to participate without lowering essential requirements or fundamentally altering the nature of the program.

When the College determines that a modification related to facilities or communication would result in a fundamental alteration or undue burden, a disability service provider shall acquire the written opinion of the proper authority, i.e. department chair of impacted discipline, providing the reasoning supporting the decision.

Click here to start the process of meeting with a disabilities service provider, or click here to download a confidential Disabilities Disclosure form. Submission of this form will start the eligibility process.

Community Resources and Referrals

Three Rivers Community College students can access support services pertaining to personal or family non-academic needs through a network of community based agencies. TRCC Student Services has resource and referral information to help students in a wide variety of areas. These include, but are not limited to, mental health, basic needs (housing, food, energy), money management, addiction, health care, and family and parenting needs.

Dual Admissions Agreements

Three Rivers Community College has developed transfer partnership programs with the Connecticut State Universities (CSUs) and the University of Connecticut (UCONN), utilizing the concept of joint or dual admissions. The program with the CSUs is called COMPACT. Students wishing to apply for this program must do so before earning 15 transferrable credits. With UCONN, this program is called Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP). Students wishing to apply for this program must do so before earning 30 transferrable credits. Both programs are designed for students who have come to TRCC with the intent of attending one of these universities upon completion of the corresponding TRCC degree program. Certain eligibility requirements apply to each program and interested students should meet with their Guided Pathways Advisor during their first semester at TRCC.

College Transfer

Transfer compacts with many state and private colleges are open to students who apply prior to the completion of 15-30 college-level credits. For other transfer students, advisors work to insure the completion of the maximum coursework at TRCC that will transfer to another college. Student Services Advisors and Counselors also provide information to incoming transfer students helping them understand the transfer-in process for credits from other educational institutions.


Interested in transferring on to a four-year degree? Learn about all of the possible transfer opportunities here.


Student Services Information

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook provides information about the many college services available to students here at Three Rivers and includes a planner for the academic year. The Student Handbook is available online.  A digital copy of the handbook is available to students on a free flash drive.  Students may pick up a flash drive in the Student Programs Office in room F211, or at the Welcome Center in room A113.

Student ID

All enrolled students should obtain a photo identification card at the Welcome Center in room A113. The IDs will enable the students access to campus including the Bookstore, the Library, Fitness Center, and the U-Pass. Students may also receive discounts at area retailers when displaying their ID at the time of purchase. The Student Programs Office in room F211 has a list of participating retailers. 

Student Insurance

All enrolled students are automatically covered under the free School Time Only Accident Insurance Plan. If you are injured on campus or during a college-sponsored event, contact the Security Office. Students who wish to file a School Time Only Accident claim, must first submit a claim with their primary medical insurance provider (if any). Any costs (including co-pays and deductibles) not covered by the student’s primary provider can be submitted to the School Time Accident Insurance Provider. For more information, contact the Dean of Administration in room C241.     

Student Programs

Students can enhance their experiences at Three Rivers by participating in student activities and events, helping them develop leadership skills and create friendships. Student Programs coordinates student activities on and off campus, and oversees the Student Lounge, the Veterans OASIS Center, Student Organization Office, and the Game Room. Student Programs advertises upcoming activities on their social media page (TRCC Student Programs Office), with flyers around campus, on the monitors throughout the campus, on TRCConnect, the student online activity website, and produces The Campus Link, a weekly publication informing students of upcoming activities. A complete list of student organizations is available in the Student Programs Office in room F211, or on TRCConnect.

Veteran Services and Benefits

Eligibility for benefit use is determined by the Veterans Administration. Eligible students may use VA benefits to pursue a degree or certificate as approved by the Veterans Administration. Only students enrolled in approved degree or certificate programs may apply for educational benefits. Once a student has registered, they must contact one of the College’s Certifying Officials to certify the enrollment to the Veterans Administration if the courses fulfill program requirements. The VA will then pay the appropriate benefits to the student and to the college if using Chapter 33 (Post 911) or Voc-Rehab. Continued eligibility or benefits is contingent upon the student complying with College regulations and confirming plan of study requirements. Only courses required for degree or certificate completion are covered by VA benefit programs. Additional courses selected by the student become the financial responsibility of the student. Students have the option of also applying for Financial Aid to assist in paying for classes. Advisement sessions and personal counseling are available to veterans. Interested veterans should contact one of the Veterans Representatives, Justin Slater (860) 215-9235, or Donna Ramos (860) 215-9283 for further information and assistance. Additional information for veterans can be found in the Admissions  and Tuition, Fees, Refund Information and Policies  sections in this catalog and at  https://www.trcc.commnet.edu/student-services/veterans-resources/.

Three Rivers Community College is committed to complying with the following Principles of Excellence:

  • Provide students with a personalized Financial Aid Shopping Sheet covering the total cost of an education program.
  • Inform students who are eligible to receive Veterans education benefits of the availability and potential eligibility of Federal financial aid before packaging or arranging private student loans or alternative financing programs.
  • Avoid fraudulent and unduly aggressive recruiting techniques as well as misrepresentations, payment of incentive compensation, and failure to meet State authorization requirements.
  • Obtain the approval of the institution’s accrediting agency for new courses or program offerings prior to enrolling students.
  • Accommodate service members and reservists to be readmitted to a program if they are temporarily unable to attend class or have to suspend their studies due to service requirements.
  • Align institutional refund policies with those under Title IV, which governs the administration of Federal student financial aid programs.
  • Provide educational plans for all military and Veteran education beneficiaries.
  • Contacts who can provide academic and financial advising are Justin Slater at (860) 215-9235, and Donna Ramos (860) 215-9283.

 Veterans OASIS Center

It is the mission of the Three Rivers Community College Operation for Incoming Service Members (OASIS) Center to provide a place for student veterans to socialize with other veterans, as well as study and receive mentoring.  The Center also serves as the College focal point for veteran’s activities where student veterans can access services such as academic advising, Veterans Administration Benefits and counseling.  The Veterans OASIS Center is located in room F203.

College Cafeteria

The cafeteria is a popular gathering spot for students and staff. Breakfast items, hot meals, hamburgers, sandwiches, salad bar, fried food items, and snacks are available when classes are in session. In addition to providing a comfortable dining area, the cafeteria serves as a general lounge and study space.  Cash, credit and debit cards are accepted. ATM and vending machines are also available.

College Bookstore

The Bookstore is located at the main entrance of the college. Students may purchase required and optional textbooks, both new, and used and rentals when available, as well as placing special orders. The campus bookstore also stocks school supplies, reference books, imprinted clothing, software, backpacks, and snacks. Bookstore hours of operation are published in the schedule of classes each semester. Students can also visit the bookstore web site at www.efollett.com.

Health and Wellness Center

Our fully equipped Health and Wellness Center is available free of charge to everyone who is actively part of the college community. In addition to the cardiovascular and weight training rooms, the center includes a studio room that is used for a variety of credit and non-credit programs, health screenings, mini workshops and Student Activities sponsored events. Showers and lockers are available within the center. The operating hours are generally Monday - Friday 8:00am-6:00pm. This schedule may vary due to semester break, class schedules, or during the summer. Participants wanting to use the center are required to complete a liability form and wear proper workout attire. If you have any questions regarding the center, please call (860) 215-9047.

Art Gallery

Three Rivers Gallery is a contemporary visual art space with rotating exhibits featuring works of emerging and established artists. Student Art Shows are hosted annually in April through May. Through exhibitions with diverse perspectives, and related educational programming, the gallery is dedicated to providing cultural enrichment to the college and the surrounding community. The gallery has the unique opportunity to explore challenging subjects and provide a venue for artists whose work is best suited to non-commercial spaces.


Three Rivers clearly designates and differentiates student, handicapped, and staff/faculty parking areas for the convenience and safety of all. Designated student lots are to be used on a first come, first serve basis. Three Rivers has four designated faculty/staff parking lots; one next to the main entrance, the second across the street from the main entrance, a third parking lot between the main building and the Central Utility Plant (CUP) building, and a fourth behind the CUP building. During the day from 7AM - 6PM, these parking lots are to be used only by registered faculty and staff members. After 6PM on weekdays, the faculty/staff parking lots may be used as student overflow lots. Anyone who parks in State mandated handicapped spaces, fire lanes, entrances/exits, for any other intended purpose will be immediately reported to either the Connecticut State Police or Norwich Police. Faculty, staff, and students who would like an escort to their vehicles can make that request at the main entrance security desk.

Lost and Found

The central location for processing, storing and releasing lost and found items is the Security Desk located in the main lobby. All lost items found on campus will be turned into the Security Officer at the Security Desk by the individual finding the item. Valuable items will be turned over to the Dean of Administration. Every reasonable effort will be made to identify the owner of the item turned in and notification will be sent to their TRCC email. Flash drives and computers will be turned over to the Information Technology Division in an effort to determine ownership of those items. Inquiries concerning lost items and claiming lost items should be addressed to the Security Officer at the Security Desk.