2022-2023 College Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog

Academic Services

The Donald R. Welter Library (Donald R. Welter Library)

The Donald R. Welter Library supports the research needs of students, faculty, staff and the community through the collection and maintenance of print and electronic resources and audiovisual materials.  The library provides access to print and electronic books, compact discs, audio books, DVDs, periodicals and online research databases.  Materials not available at the Donald R. Welter Library may be requested through interlibrary loan. Individual and group instruction on the use of library resources is available. 

Other resources in the library include computers, self-service photocopiers, a scanner, wireless internet access and group study rooms.  Laptop computers are also available for loan.  Books may be borrowed for 30 days and renewed in person or over the phone.  CDs and DVDs may be borrowed for one week. Instructor reserve materials may be borrowed for 2 hours for use within the library only.  Students are responsible for returning the materials in good condition. If library materials are lost or damaged, students will be charged for the replacement of the item plus a $10 replacement fee.  If overdue items are not returned after 2 notices, a block will be placed on the student’s account.

Tutoring and Academic Success Centers (TASC)

The Tutoring and Academic Success Centers (TASC) are located in Rm. C-117, next to the Donald R. Welter Library. TASC peer tutors, professional tutors, staff members, and faculty volunteers provide free individual and group academic assistance to students. In addition, TASC has many useful handouts and numerous books, CDs, and DVDs available for loan. On the TASC website, students can obtain information about hours of operation, online workshops, and many useful links. TASC consists of the Tutoring Center, the Writing Center, and the Mathematics Computer Lab.


The Tutoring Center provides free one-to-one and group tutoring for most courses taught at TRCC and can also help students organize study groups. Tutoring is available on a walk-in basis or by appointment. Appointments are suggested and can be made in person or by telephone at 860-215-9082. The complete tutor schedule for both the Tutoring Center and the Writing Center is posted on the TASC website.

Questions can be forwarded to: TASC@trcc.commnet.edu



The Writing Center provides writing assistance for all students in all subjects. Appointments to review writing are available on a walk-in basis or by appointment. Appointments are suggested and can be made in person or by phone at 860-215-9082. Additionally, papers can be submitted via e-mail to the address below. The Writing Center web site also hosts a collection of academic writing resources, links to admission essay samples, and guides for writing resumes and cover letters. Services of the center are intended to help students learn how to improve their writing, revising, and editing skills for all collegiate courses.

Questions or paper submissions can be forwarded to: TRWritingCenter@trcc.commnet.edu


Students can improve their math skills at the Mathematics Computer Tutoring Lab working alone or with the aid of a TASC tutor. A variety of text-specific and generalized mathematics software is available in the sixteen-station mathematics lab. Additionally, CAD and computer programming software packages are installed on several computers for tutoring purposes.


Online tutoring is available to TRCC students in different forms. Ask TASC consists of three components: the Ask TASC discussion board, where students can post a question online, the Ask TASC chat room, where students can make an appointment to meet with a tutor online, and a link to the Writing Center, where students can submit drafts for review via e-mail.  All currently enrolled students can access Ask TASC by logging onto myCommNet, clicking on the link to Blackboard Learn, and selecting Ask TASC from their course list.

Distance Learning (eLearning or Online Learning)

Distance Learning offers students a convenient way, without leaving the comforts of their home or office, to earn college credit part-time while continuing to work full-time. Distance Learning courses allow students to customize their higher education goals and to gain the collaborative and technical skills needed in today’s workplace.

Learners should have some general knowledge of the Internet, e-mail and file attachment, upload, and download. In addition, students should be self-starters with strong organizational and time management skills.

At present, Three Rivers offers individual courses in a variety of academic areas. It is also possible for students to take a sufficient number of distance learning courses offered by the twelve public community colleges in Connecticut to earn an A.S. degrees in General Studies, in Computer Information Systems, and in Criminal Justice. A Certificate in Health Information Management Technician may also be available. Students pursuing some degrees or certificates may be required fulfill the college’s residency requirement and take a minimum of fifteen credits at the granting college.

Students are strongly encouraged to have virus protection software installed on the computer. Any infected files that are uploaded to the Blackboard servers will be blocked on upload or deleted to prevent the spread of infection.

Technical Support:

Technical Requirements

Some of the courses require a DVD drive, as well as browser plug-ins to assist with displaying video streaming; interactive quizzes, activities and animation; and to navigate, view and print PDF files. To view these portions of the sites, browser plug-ins may be needed: RealPlayer, QuickTime, Shockwave, Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Reader. Generally, browsers will automatically download any plug-ins required by a particular page. To learn more about computer requirements visit the Browser Tune-up link at https://en-us.help.blackboard.com/Learn/9.1_2014_04/Instructor/015_Browser_Support/Browser_Checker.

Because Mozilla, Google, Apple, and Microsoft are private they can change their browsers without warning, Three Rivers recommends that students have two different installed browsers, e.g. Internet Explorer  and Chrome on a Windows computer OR Safari and Chrome on a Mac.

To learn more about computer requirements visit the CSCU Support page or the Three Rivers Educational Technology and Distance Learning page: https://websupport.ct.edu/ OR http://www.trcc/commnet.edu/blackboard.

Technical Requirement/Support for myCommNet/Blackboard Browsers

Microsoft Internet Explorer All versions
Mozilla Firefox All versions
Safari All versions
Chrome All versions

A browser check is available at https://websupport.ct.edu/browser-check

Browser Settings

Student should ensure browsers allow the following or that the following is allowed or enabled for both Blackboard and myCommNet: third-party cookies, Javascript, Java, and pop-ups.

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
MacOS* Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Mavericks, Sierra
Linux O/S Supported

Operating Systems

Some courses will require the use of publisher platforms, which contain their own technical requirements. Student should check the materials for each course when signing up to determine if the course uses a publisher platform, and should review the publisher’s requirements prior to classes starting.

Chromebooks have a specialized Chrome operating system. You may be unable to install software required by your course(s). While Chromebook operating systems may work for many uses on campus, Chromebooks are not recommended for distance learning courses or courses that are web-enhanced to a high degree such as nursing and computer science courses.

Service Learning

Service learning is a course-specific educational experience in which students participate in a collaborative and organized service activity in order to meet community needs. Students gain knowledge, skills, and a new perspective related to course objectives and civic responsibilities.

A number of fields of study offer service learning in their courses, including Sociology, Women’s Studies, First Year Experience, Early Childhood Education, and Psychology. Additionally, there is a dedicated Service Learning course, SOC 278, Community Research. If you have any questions, please contact the Chair of the Service Learning Committee, Janet Hagen 860-215-9433 or jhagen@trcc.commnet.edu.

Developmental Courses

The College offers developmental courses in reading, writing, and math. These courses are designed to help students whose academic skills need improvement before they take required courses in their plan of study. Developmental classes provide individual support and concentrate on the specific skills students need for academic success. Areas of emphasis are covered under each course description.

Specialized Learning Space


The Language Lab, located in D117, is designed for language teaching and learning. It serves as a quiet and useful space for students in all language courses (Chinese, French, Spanish, ASL, ESL) for working on assignments, practicing language, and using the additional materials and resources to enhance the language learning experience. Students may use the Language Lab during open lab hours and for scheduled tutoring/ support appointments. Students are able to record videos and work on speaking activities in the lab or can use the Language Lab computers that are equipped with different language software.